The Socio - Historical Meaning of Amateurism in the 19th Century Britain 체육사 : 19C 영국(英國) 아마추어리즘의 사회사적(社會史的) 의미(意味) 고(考)
이승용SeungYongLee , 하남길NamGilHa
36(1) 9-24, 1997
The Socio - Historical Meaning of Amateurism in the 19th Century Britain 체육사 : 19C 영국(英國) 아마추어리즘의 사회사적(社會史的) 의미(意味) 고(考)
이승용SeungYongLee , 하남길NamGilHa
Nowadays, as the victory-for-victory principle has been prevailed due to an emergence of commercial sport amateurism, it is no exaggeration to say that the sport spirit what is called amateurism has become extinct. As long as sport exists in the world, however, an amateurism will remain as the ideal of sportsman. This article is to figure out the essential significance of amateurism which was one of the proliferated ideologies of British sprat during 19C through the study of social history of British sport. The result could be sum up as follows :
The proliferation of British sport was such an innovatory change enough to be described as 'sport revolution' in terms of the history of physical education and sport. However, this change had been initiated by middle and upper class and amateurism was the ethical ideology pursuited by gentleman amateur, which was classified as middle class, through participating in sport.
Britain had been called as the nation of gentleman and sport since late 19C which means that contemporary Britain had been socialized into sport. However, sport was a product of spare time and at the beginning, just the ruling class, being capable of enjoying their spare time fully, had been socialized into sport. The systematized modem sport of Britain had been developed on the basis of the tradition of aristocrat devoted to sport and it was the ruling class that took the initiative in spreading the sport into society. Mass entertainment, of course, gave its effects on middle class and became gentleman sport. After they had been systematized, However, they hold athletic sports competition with excluding working class which meant that they took class distinctions in participating sports.
Therefore, the ideology prevailed throughout the sport system of the ruling class could not but have class exclusivism. Originally speaking, amateurism had been used to put the stress cm gentleman and those terms had been used as the concept of synonym. Gentleman amateur had considered a sport as the culture of only middle and upper class on the basis of both sport favoring tradition of old aristocrats and the ethics pursuited during their attending such schools as public school and oxbridge. Therefore, it was considered that just those whose social status were upper class could be sportsman and amateurism was the ideology of sport pursuited at places for sports by gentleman.
That could be summed up in such terms and catch phrases as fair play, play the game and sportsmanship and so forth. They thought that the genuine amateur should keep the gentlemanship regardless to a judge which was described in such pieces of lyrics as "strife without anger, art without anger, art without malice”.
There were, however, a class exclusivism in their sense of sports. Middle class, which had organized and came into control of the generalized sport groups, took it on almost all sport code that working class should be banned from participating in any kinds of sports. Therefore, amateurism was a self-righteous class ideology as well as an ethnical ideology pursuited by gentleman participating in sport. Today, the reason that both amateurism and professionalism have been used with the relation of the payment of financial recompense is because of an additional amendment of nonpayment code by middle class as waking class claimed the broken-time payment due to the participation in sport. Therefore, the essential significance of amateurism confirmed through the study of the social history of British sport could be defined as the elite ideology of the ruling class on the basis of elite consciousness and the spirit of amateurism means a gentlemanship.
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Game Experience of Professional Soccer Players through Fact and Space Cognition 체육철학 : 프로 축구 선수들의 사실과 공간 인식에 따른 게임 경험
이덕분DuckBunLee , 김시덕SiDuckKim , 강유원YuWonKang
36(1) 27-34, 1997
Game Experience of Professional Soccer Players through Fact and Space Cognition 체육철학 : 프로 축구 선수들의 사실과 공간 인식에 따른 게임 경험
이덕분DuckBunLee , 김시덕SiDuckKim , 강유원YuWonKang
Based on resources from 7 professional soccer players about competitive experience is soccer games, I analyzed the meaning and nature of the game, and classified them into several meanings of athletic experiences in tons of the players’ situation and condition to the game. From the evidence which categorized based on the descriptions of athletic experiences of subjects, I came to a conclusion as followings.
Awareness of the fact is not so much serious experiential aspects if not in the game. However there are the awareness of the fact that he should play the game, the fact that he is in the particular situation where he is tied up with his living, and the awareness of the realistic fact that he faces a unavoidable game. Namely, this is the experiential awareness of the fact in the reality which makes soccer players feel an obsession and fear and also to make an effort for the income and personal advertisement which related to their abilities as pro soccer payers.
In the awareness of the space means that people usually get an experience of something experiential way. Those take place from the fears, which soccer players do not feel in home play ground, but which they feel in foreign play ground and from foreign people, anxiousness and fear. Athletic experience happens as prereflective exprience, not as the special concept measured by figures, in the particular game experience in the play ground.
That is, it is known that players gain real experience in the place where competition happens.
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A Study on the Significance of Leisure in the Toegye 체육철학 : 퇴계 철학에서의 여가(餘暇)
36(1) 35-49, 1997
A Study on the Significance of Leisure in the Toegye 체육철학 : 퇴계 철학에서의 여가(餘暇)
Tins paper’s intuition was first of all to explore meaning of leisure conceived and discussed by Toegye and his and furthermore to elucidate the theory cm leisure established by the modern.
The research approaches to the experiencial description and its analysis in terms of phenomenological perspectives. After deliberate concideration about his thought by analysing references, certain commments were directed, while his ideas were pointed out.
First, according to Toegye’s mentions about leisure, it was a free and not busy time. It includes the leisure in daily official works as well as the leisure in reading books.
Second, the significance of leisure as conceived by Toegye, was to free time when we cultivate our mind through physical exercise. It extends a man’s mental power and its potential qualities to the recreation and an acquisition of his physical vitality in active, that leads toward stage of the enlightenment on Kyong.
Third, according to Toegye the leisure develops into utilitarianistic and free dimension against our busy and realishtic world.
Fourth, mountain climbing was a representative leisure to Toegye. It was meaningful in the aspects of exploration of man's reason, and of his nouurishing vitality.
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A Study on the Applicable Possibilities with the Wittgenstein's Analytic Philosophy in the Physical Education 체육철학 : 체육용어(體育用語)에 대(對)한 비트겐슈타인의 분석철학(分析哲學) 응용가능성(應用可能性)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
36(1) 50-58, 1997
A Study on the Applicable Possibilities with the Wittgenstein's Analytic Philosophy in the Physical Education 체육철학 : 체육용어(體育用語)에 대(對)한 비트겐슈타인의 분석철학(分析哲學) 응용가능성(應用可能性)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
I got these results in this study for the content presentation and the whether or not the applicable possibilities on these termninologies of the physical education, as follow.
Wittgenstein was the greatest analytic philosopher in the modem times. We could gave a look what the importance of his philosophies in a trailblazing study extremely. Because of all sorts philosophical activities not solved the immediate problems, Wittgenstein thought be beginning with the fault understanding the mentioned language in philosophical problems. For that reason, He emphasized the settlement of distinctness on the language by the division clearly the meaning and the use of it.
In the beginning, He unfolded the logic in centering around the semantics of the notice subject, and after that, was inclined to the semantics of a use. His theory explained that the language not only express a meaning but also show a function with meaning in the place of use.
At this time, He point out the point that the general language turned into not until the terminology. Wittgenstein insisted on be the connecting conception with the linked factors at same time being recognize these peculiarities each. Because the united things not be common but be similar in an individuality in the theory of the family resemblance.
In his the semantics of a use, He presented these necessities that these terminologies being used in the physical education could not deal with the same meaning but must be analyzed it, and then had to thesis by subdivision of these meanings to could use these terminologies in the width field, also that being more and more enlarged the width of meaning by a use these terminologies of the physical education.
Therefore, Wittgenstein’s analytic philosophy on the language pointed out must be establish the meaning of language and the clearness of a use to divide distinctly these each physical activities by circumstance and situation with more recognition of peculiarity than generality on the terminology of the physical education in each fields for being used actually and should be made in the future. And It expected that, at the same time, extensive the potentiality of application awfully, because of provided the theoretical bases could be widen the breadth of the internal meaning on a terminology.
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The Influence of Cohesion and Leadership on Instrumental Aggressive Behaviors in Sport Teams 스포츠 사회학 : 스포츠 팀의 리더십 및 집단응집력이 도구적 공격행동에 미치는 영향
강효민HyoMinKang , 이종영JongYoungLee
36(1) 61-69, 1997
The Influence of Cohesion and Leadership on Instrumental Aggressive Behaviors in Sport Teams 스포츠 사회학 : 스포츠 팀의 리더십 및 집단응집력이 도구적 공격행동에 미치는 영향
강효민HyoMinKang , 이종영JongYoungLee
This study investigated the influence of cession and leadership cm instrumental aggressive behavior in sport teams. The subject of this study was 8 waterpolo teams(N:72) that had participated in the MBC National Swimming Championship held in July, 1996.
The group cohesiveness was measured using the Group Environment Questionnaire (GEQ) developed by Brawley, Carron and Widmeyer(1985). The group leadership was measured using the Leadership Scale for Sports(LSS) developed by Chelladurai & Saleh(1980). The data for instrumental aggressive behaviors were obtained from the official record cards provided by Korea Amateur Swimming Federation.
The data were analysed through Multiple Regression Analysis, Correlation Analysis through SPSS/PC windows 6.1 Version.
The results of this study are as follows:
1) Leadership is related with group cohesion. In detail, Democratic Behavior, Social Support Behavior, Training and Instruction Behavior of leadership are positively related with group integration-task in cohesion of sport teams.
And Autocratic Behavior of leadership are positively related with attraction to group-task, and Democratic Behavior, Training and Instruction Behavior are negatively related with attraction to group-task in cohesion of sport teams.
2) Autocratic Behavior, Training and Instruction Behavior of leadership have negative influence on instrumental aggressive behavior of sport teams.
3) Group integration-task cohesiveness have negative influence cm instrumental aggressive behavior of sport teams.
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Sociology of World-Cup : The Discourse on the Wolrd-Cup and the State / Civil Society 스포츠 사회학 : 월드컵의 사회학 : 월드컵과 국가 시민사회 담론
안민석MinSeokAhn , 손석정SeokJungShon
36(1) 74-85, 1997
Sociology of World-Cup : The Discourse on the Wolrd-Cup and the State / Civil Society 스포츠 사회학 : 월드컵의 사회학 : 월드컵과 국가 시민사회 담론
안민석MinSeokAhn , 손석정SeokJungShon
The purpose of this paper was to examine the political economy and sociocultural significance of the 2002 World-Cup in South Korea. The paper assumed that there are political, economic, and sociocultural implications and consequence resulting from the World-Cup; thus the study (a) investigated, described, and interpreted whether the interests and values of the State are being permeated through the World-Cup; (b) identified, assessed, and interpreted the implications to the civil society. The result shows that the linkage between sport and power, and contradictory nature of such relationships is manifested through the World-Cup. The political economy of the World-Cup, like the political economy of other aspects of capitalist societies’ shapes and molds social relations that are marked by power, profits and conspicuous consumption on the part of the State, while not necessarily meeting the needs and interests of the civil society. Finally, the paper suggests that the civil society publicize the promotion of the ’sport for all' to extend the consequence to the World-Cup on the part of the civil society.
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A Study on the Sport Ideology of Korean Society 스포츠 사회학 : 한국사회(韓國社會)의 스포츠 이데올로기에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)(Ⅰ) - 군사정권기(軍事政權期)의 스포츠이념(理念)을 중심(中心)으로 -
36(1) 82-100, 1997
A Study on the Sport Ideology of Korean Society 스포츠 사회학 : 한국사회(韓國社會)의 스포츠 이데올로기에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)(Ⅰ) - 군사정권기(軍事政權期)의 스포츠이념(理念)을 중심(中心)으로 -
A tendency for sport ideology to be politicized in korean society takes an important part in the ruling ideology of the ruling class. The ideological argument of the sport situations of Korean Society is an issue how the ruling class in a state introduces their ruling ideology into sports, aid it is considered that through it, the ruling class has archived their political pur-pose.
So, with such awareness of the ruling class’s utilization of sports in their political purpose, this study intended to look into the realities of it.
And findings were as follows;
It appeared that the ruling ideology of Korean Sports su-fficiently provides for the function of the state's ruling ideology, and the intervention of the ruling ideology in such sports has resulted reproduction of it in the ides sports and affected the sports.
Thus, the function of the ruling ideology in korean sports according to the idea of the sports has taken a role to repr-oduce the ruling ideology in the people with some political slogan through such as “Superior Position against the North”,“Enhancement of National prestige”, “Unification of the peo-ple”, “Maintenance of Social Stability and Order”,etc., while directly concerning itself with reprodction of the ruling ide-ology.
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A Study on Promoting Sports Culture in Korea 스포츠 사회학 : 한국 스포츠문화의 진흥방향에 관한 연구
이석주SukJooLee , 김정주JungJooKim
36(1) 101-117, 1997
A Study on Promoting Sports Culture in Korea 스포츠 사회학 : 한국 스포츠문화의 진흥방향에 관한 연구
이석주SukJooLee , 김정주JungJooKim
This study has been aimed to suggest the cultural value of the sports in modem society and discuss about it based on the current position of Korean sports culture, and the following results have been obtained.
1. Value-culture aspect
The current position of value-culture aspect shows the prevalency of the value-culture centered by the mean of the view of the sports and of the bipolar situations of the population participating at sports activities. To improve such situation, First - the correct view of sports is required to be settled down. In other words, the culture of sports could be settled correctly when the school physical education is justified and faithful and the healthy culture of the leisure is formed through the activities of the sports.
Second - The activation of the participating sports is required. In other words, the support of the sports activities must be maximized to be able to provide the sports facilities and programs to give the chance of participation to all the people, and the sports culture could be settled when the voluntary participation of the people is realized.
2. Moral-culture aspect
The present position of maral-culture aspect shows the deepening of anti-amateurism with the weak morality of the sports activities. To improve such situations, First - the realization of amateurism is required. For this the public relations to all the people is urgent, and the proper sports culture could be settled when the system is prepared in order to establish the game order and the ethical sense of occupation is settled.
Second - The cultivation of the morality of the sense of sports is required. In other words, for this the quality elevation of the sportsmen is prerequisite, and for the long run the culture of the sports could be settled when the sound sports culture of the youth is established.
3. Equipment-culture aspect
The present position of the equipment-culture aspect is inefficient in the expansion of the facilities. To improve
such situation First - the welfare of the sports environment could be possible when the expansion of the facilities is realized according to the zone of life by considering the increase of the demand of the sports and setting up the multi-function facilities, in order to contribute to the promotion of the culture of the sports.
Second - For this, the welfare of sports environment could be realized when the operation of sports facilities becomes the place of the social education, the practical use of public sports facilities is maximized and the existing facilities are put in good order or the inventory system is organized and operated.
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The Effect of Movement Parameter Uncertainty on Response Programming Time 스포츠 심리학 : 동작 정보의 양과 종류에 따른 반응 프로그래밍 시간 효과
김기웅KeeWoongKim , 이효경HyoKyungLee
36(1) 121-133, 1997
The Effect of Movement Parameter Uncertainty on Response Programming Time 스포츠 심리학 : 동작 정보의 양과 종류에 따른 반응 프로그래밍 시간 효과
김기웅KeeWoongKim , 이효경HyoKyungLee
The postulation that response programming may be influenced by the relative degree of uncertainty inherent in response production was experimentally tested in an experiment m which 20 volunteer female university students were required to select and execute a target hitting response in a 2 choice-reaction time condition. Subjects were given a total of 300 trials with 6 different response conditions differing in the numbers and kinds of uncertain response dimension in a within-subject design. Analyses of data revealed that 1) response programming time inferred from RT increased directly with the number of uncertain response dimensions; and 2) response programming time differed with the kinds of uncertain response dimension, i.e.,reaction time for response extent uncertain condition was consistently shorter as compared to reaction time for response direction uncertain condition; and 3) these response programming time effects due to the numbers and kinds of uncertain response dimension had nothing to do with MTs wich remained relatively similar. All these results, in total, suggested a conclusion that the informational uncertainty inherent in the production of a given response may be a determinant of the duration of response programming time.
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A Descriptive Study of Record Athletes' Mental Toughness 스포츠 심리학 : 기록 경기 선수들의 정신력 형태에 관한 분석
36(1) 134-143, 1997
A Descriptive Study of Record Athletes' Mental Toughness 스포츠 심리학 : 기록 경기 선수들의 정신력 형태에 관한 분석
This study examined the differences of mental toughness(self-confidence,arousal control, attention control, visualization and imagery control, motivation, positive energy, attitude control) of record athletes as a function of event, exercise type and sex. The mental toughness was measured by Mental Toughness Test(MTT) which was developed by Loehr(1982). Subjects(n=119) were consisted of dynamic exercise 73(athletes 44, swimmer 29),static exercise 46(archer 28, shooter 18). Each player's mean and standard deviation of Mental Toughness Test were calculated, then subjected to one-way ANOVA for statistical analyses.
The results were the followings.
1) subscores for arousal control, attention control were very lwo.
2) visual imagery control, motivation and attitude control was high.
3) attention control was significantly different between events.
4) attention contol and visual imagery control were significantly different between exercise types.
5) self-confidence and visual imagery control were significantly different betweai sexs.
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Effects of Cognitive Abilities on Expertise in Table Tennis Games 스포츠 심리학 : 인지적 능력이 탁구경기 수행의 숙련도에 미치는 영향
36(1) 144-153, 1997
Effects of Cognitive Abilities on Expertise in Table Tennis Games 스포츠 심리학 : 인지적 능력이 탁구경기 수행의 숙련도에 미치는 영향
The Purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of cognitive abilities on expertise in table tennis games. Sixty female table tennis players were selected as subjects and assigned to age(14-18 years and 19-25 years) and expertise(elete and intermediate group) in table tennis. Simple and choice reaction time(RT), movement time(MT), resequencing performance, table tennis knowledge, concentration, working memory were used to test the selected cognitive factors. Two-way ANOVA was employed for the analysis.
Expert players of both age groups possessed faster MT, more table tennis kowledge and concentration ability. Older players was found to be Faster RT and more accurate in smash resequencing than younger players.
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A Study on the Technical Trend in the Game of the Man Gymnastics of Rings in the 28th World Championship 스포츠 심리학 : 제28회 세계 체조선수권대회 링 자유종목 연기 내용분석 - 제 3경기 중심으로 -
이용식YoungSikLee , 정형균HyungGwun
36(1) 154-166, 1997
A Study on the Technical Trend in the Game of the Man Gymnastics of Rings in the 28th World Championship 스포츠 심리학 : 제28회 세계 체조선수권대회 링 자유종목 연기 내용분석 - 제 3경기 중심으로 -
이용식YoungSikLee , 정형균HyungGwun
The purpose of this study was to analyze the results of high ranker's performances who took part in the rings final gymnastics competition.
Above-mentiones 8 players were participated in 1995 world gymnastics champion ships. Thair's performance analyzed the formation, the degree of difficulty and bonus score by recording in the video film.
The results were as follows;
1. The Formation of performance
In the formation of performance, they formed the main current powerful technique from the beginning phase.
They tried to increase of the degree of difficulty, it is better to perform the mixed technique than to perform about a singular technique, and they performed many time from the swinging technique to the powerful technique, from the powerful technique to the swinging technique. The beginning phase and during of performance were not classified accroding to connect from the ceginning phase to during the performance, so, they performed many time to the mixed connecting technique-various, high level technique, because to increase thair value point about it.
2. The degree of difficulty of performance
Few performed difficulty A and B, but many time performed the mixed technique, over difficulty C, D and E They performed many time die connecting techniques to give the connecting bonus score.
3. The bonus score of performance
These players showed the difficulty D.E, who performed the mixed over 2 type technique for give maximal 0.20 points connecting bonus score.
As above, substantially they difficulty D,E for the increase value points erf performance and gave thair bonus score. The factors of increase of points resulted from the perform. 2 over the mixed connecting high level techniques.
Therefore this conclusion should be suggested to apply to performance of complete, difficulty of high level technique and the mixed connecting like world level in my wuntry. We will throw our’s effort into developing the new techniques, and the current of the world champion ships.
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The Change of Preparatory Factors according to Approaching Ball Speed during Tennis Forehand Drive 스포츠 심리학 : 테니스 포핸드 드라이브시 공의 접근속도에 따른 준비요인들의 변화
36(1) 167-175, 1997
The Change of Preparatory Factors according to Approaching Ball Speed during Tennis Forehand Drive 스포츠 심리학 : 테니스 포핸드 드라이브시 공의 접근속도에 따른 준비요인들의 변화
For the task of hitting fast approaching balls Jordan & Rosenbaum(1989) suggested that constraining performance variables and relying on feedback are two of the most important means of solving the degrees-of-freedom problem. Therefore,the purpose of this study was to investigate mechanical changes of preparatory factors during tennis forehand drive according to approaching ball speeds, and to explain its motor control mechanism based on motor control theory related to the performance of the motor skill.
While Six male national tennis players were filmed using three-dimensional cinematography, they were required to hit the two conditions of approaching ball (slow approaching ball and fast approaching ball) to the right back court region of opposite side accurately and quickly like a real match. The results comprehensively showed that during the two conditioned forehand drive the constraining variables were the fundamental movement pattern and movement timing of each segment, and the variables modulated by visual feedback were movement time, distance and range of motion.
Based on these results, the changes of preparatory factors of forehand drive according to approaching ball speed could be explained theoretically both by constraining performance variables and by relying cm feedback.
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Development of a Competing Values Leadership Questionnaire for Coaches and Analysis of Sport Leadership Profiles 스포츠 심리학 : 스포츠 지도자의 리더쉽 검사지 개발
하형주 , 구본칠
36(1) 176-192, 1997
Development of a Competing Values Leadership Questionnaire for Coaches and Analysis of Sport Leadership Profiles 스포츠 심리학 : 스포츠 지도자의 리더쉽 검사지 개발
하형주 , 구본칠
This study was conducted with an attempt to apply competing value leadership paradigm to the sports field to define leadership dynamically and holistically. The specific purposes of the study were as follows: First, to define the role of the competing value leadership that the leader in a sports team exerts, and to develop a valid and reliable questionnaire to measure leadership in coaching; Second, to confirm the factor structure of the developed questionnaire; Third, to analyze the impact of sport situation and athletes’ characteristics on the role of the sport leader through qualitative approach; Lastly, to compare and contrast between efficient leadership profiles and inefficient ones.
A total of 773 subjects were involved in this study, including both male (n=628) and female(n=145) athletes from college, club, or national representative teams (team sport (n=325) and individual sport (n=448)). The data were divided into two parts and the first half of the data were analyzed using descriptive analyses to check the distribution of variables, item analyses and exploratory factor analysis (using ML estimation and oblique rotation) to compute a reliability coefficient (Cronbach’s α) for each sub-scale and to select a set of items with higher degree of the discrimination among factors. With second half of the data, confirmatory factor analysis using LISREL 8 program was performed to confirm the structure of the inventory. And, Two-way MANOVA (Gender by Sports) and stepdown F test were also conducted with 6 roles as dependent variables to find out variables that significantly contribute to the group distinctions.
The following conclutions were obtained from the results attained in these analyses:
1) The roles of the competing value leadership for coaches were those of innovative researcher, mediating looker, authoritative director, calculating executioneer, analytic manager, and mentor.
2) 36 items that can measure reliably each role of the sport leadership stlyes were developed.
3) Situational context and athletes’ characteristics played a partial impact on the role of the leader.
4) According to the situational context and athletes' characteristics, efficient and inefficient leadership profiles were formed in conformance with the competing value leadership paradigm.
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The Effects of Relaxation Technique on Mood State through Recovery Duration 스포츠 심리학 : 이완 기법이 최대 운동후 회복기 무드 상태에 미치는 영향
36(1) 193-201, 1997
The Effects of Relaxation Technique on Mood State through Recovery Duration 스포츠 심리학 : 이완 기법이 최대 운동후 회복기 무드 상태에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of relaxation technique training on the variation of mood state in the recovering stage after maximal exercise. The training was done for 8 weeks to the four different subject groups : the relaxation + music group, the relaxation group, the music group, and die control group.
In order to analyze the variation of mood state under 2 phase such as resting, after Ex. 60min.
After exercising 8 weeks of relaxation training, statistics of results is carried out to compare ANOVA(repeated measure of analysis)and Duncan test.
The results show the were significant changes as follows :
TEN : groups, P<0.01 ; groups & periods interactions, P<0.05, ANG : groups, P<0.05, FAT : groups, P<0.05
Conclusively, the result of the test shows that relaxation group is most effective in decreasing mood state among the four groups.
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The Effects on Exercise Habits in Climacteric Women'S on Blood Lipids 스포츠 생리학 : 운동습관이 갱년기여성의 혈중지질에 미치는 영향
36(1) 205-211, 1997
The Effects on Exercise Habits in Climacteric Women'S on Blood Lipids 스포츠 생리학 : 운동습관이 갱년기여성의 혈중지질에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this was to investigate the effects of exercise habits in climacteric women.
In order to study of effect on Blood lipids by climacteric women divided into 2 groups according to exercise group and nonexercise group.
In these groups we measured Blood lipids and came to the conclusion like these:
Exercise habit had significant influence on TCH(P<.001), HDL(P<.01), TG(P<.001).
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The Difference of Vo2 Max and Levels of Anaerobic Threshold to Chance of Sports Water Adminstration during Maximal Exercise 스포츠 생리학 : 스포츠음료 투여시기에 따른 최대 운동부하시 최대 산소 섭취량과 무산소성역치수준의 차이
36(1) 212-217, 1997
The Difference of Vo2 Max and Levels of Anaerobic Threshold to Chance of Sports Water Adminstration during Maximal Exercise 스포츠 생리학 : 스포츠음료 투여시기에 따른 최대 운동부하시 최대 산소 섭취량과 무산소성역치수준의 차이
The purpose of this study is to provide necessary information for the guidance of improvement of motor performance capacity to tell difference of Vo2 max and levels of anaerobic threshold to chance of sports water administration during maximal exercise.
The student studied comprised 20 physical education department freshmen in K university.
4 test variables were used in the study, including 2 variables for physique, Vo2 max and Levels of Anaerobic Threshold variable for physical fitness.
In order to find difference from among five levels according to a chance of administration, water right before
maximal exercise, sports water right before maximal exercise, sports water 20 minutes before maximal exercise, sports water 40 minutes and sports water 60 minutes before maximal exercise and ANOVA method were applied.
The conclusion of this study is as follows:
Vo2 max was not a significant difference among but levels of Anaerobic Threshold was a significant difference among levels during maximal exercise.
Sports water administration of 20 minutes before maximal exercise was a significant effect of a chance of sports water administration on levels of Anaerobic Threshold during maximal exercise.
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Verifying the Validity of Fatigue Elements Changes Following Absolute Exercise Intensities 스포츠 생리학 : 절대 강도 운동시 혈중 피로 요소의 변화에 의한 피로 기전의 타당성 검증
The purpose of this study was to verify the validity of blood fatigue elements changes following the absolute exercise intensities. All of the test were performed on the treadmill. Subjects of present study were divided into trained(T) group who were university rugby players and untrained group(UT) who were university students. All subjects participated in VO2max test and three times of 30 min absolute exercise intensity; absolute exercise intensity I (treadmill speed : 7.2 km/h, grade : 7%; AEI I ), absolute exercise intensity II (treadmill speed : 8 km/h,grade : 7%; AEI II), absolute exercise intensity Ⅲ(treadmill speed : 8.8 km/h, grade : 7%; AEI Ⅲ).
In VO2max test, there was significant mean blood lactate and inorganic phosphate concentration difference between T and UT groups(p< .05), but there was no significant the mean blood ammonia, rectal temperature and pH difference between T and UT groups(p >.05).
In absolute exercise test, mean blood lactate and ammonia concentration of UT group were higher than that of T group, and there was significant mean blood lactate concentration difference between T and UT groups(p<.05), and there were also significant mean blood lactate and ammonia concentration differences among the absolute exercise intensities(p<.05).
In absolute exercise test, mean blood inorganic phosphate concentration and rectal temperature in UT group was higher than that of T group, and there was significant mean blood inorganic phosphate concentration and rectal temperature difference between T and UT groups(p< .05), but there were no significant mean blood inorganic phosphate concentration and rectal temperature differences among the absolute exercise intensities(p >.05). The mean blood pH in UT group was lower than that of T group, but there was no significant mean blood pH difference between T and UT groups, and there were no significant mean blood pH differences among the absolute exercise intensities, too(p>.05)
In this study, blood lactate, inorganic phosphate and rectal temperature changes showed high validity as a fatigue elements and might possibly be a good indicator of fatigue progress. Although lactate has been considered as a fatigue substance, there has been no actual biochemical mechanism to involve fatigue occurrence.
Therefore, when we study on fatigue, we have to distinguish hydrogen ion and pH effects cm fatigue from lactate effects on fatigue in terms of biochemical mechanism. Further studies are needed to clarify the biochemical mechanism of these elements on fatigue.
Because of big individual differences in blood ammonia concentration at same absolute exercise intensity in trained and untrained group, blood ammonia changes showed a low validity as a fatigue factors in this study.
Thus, we must consider the individual differences of accumulation and production of fatigue elements during exercise and the degree of organic adaptation to these fatigue elements. Further studies are needed in this area.
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The Effects of Consumption of Tea Fungus Drink on the Human Blood Composition 스포츠 생리학 : Tea Fungus 발효음료의 섭취가 혈액성상에 미치는 영향
양정옥JeongOkYang , 김정옥JeongOkkim , 최미애MiAeChoi
36(1) 234-242, 1997
The Effects of Consumption of Tea Fungus Drink on the Human Blood Composition 스포츠 생리학 : Tea Fungus 발효음료의 섭취가 혈액성상에 미치는 영향
양정옥JeongOkYang , 김정옥JeongOkkim , 최미애MiAeChoi
This study was performed to investigate the changes of the human blood composition(Serumglucose, LDH, GPT, GOT, Cholesterols, Trigly-cerides) and clinical effect by consumption of tea fungus drink once a day for 38days.
The human blood composition was analyzed from sample of 0day and 38th day. The serum glucose content was decreased after consumption of the drink from 85.1 ± 5.34mg/㎗ to 79.7±5.65mg/㎗(t-test;p<.05).
The contents of LDH and TG were also decreased form 366.9 ±49.086Iu/I to 310.9±36.019Iu/I(t-test;p<.01)and from 94.4±53.064mg/㎗ to 91.3±47.651mg/㎗, respectively. However, the contents of GPT,GOT,and cholesterols were not significantly different by consumption of the drink. The overall effects on clinical effect showed that constipation, control of body weight could be cured by treatment of tea fungus drink.
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Potentially Harmful Effects and Effect of Antioxidant by Oxygen Free Radical during Maximal Exercise 스포츠 생리학 : 최대운동시 활성산소에 의한 잠재적 악영향 및 항산화제 투여 효과
이강평KangPyungLee , 은희관HeeGowanEun , 임인수InSuIm
36(1) 243-255, 1997
Potentially Harmful Effects and Effect of Antioxidant by Oxygen Free Radical during Maximal Exercise 스포츠 생리학 : 최대운동시 활성산소에 의한 잠재적 악영향 및 항산화제 투여 효과
이강평KangPyungLee , 은희관HeeGowanEun , 임인수InSuIm
The purpose of this study is to investigate the change of MDA(malondialdehyde), blood glucose, lactate, Ig M, IL-2, cortisol, norepinephrine on maximal exercise(run for all-out time on treadmill) and Moderate intensive exercise(run for 40 min on treadmill at 70% HRmax), and effect of Antioxidant on maximal exercise.
The HR was analyzed recorded at 10 sec intervals by PE-3000. Blood samples were taken from antecubital vein in pre-exercise, post-exercise, post-30, 60min exercise. Antioxidant was given at 1000 IU · d-1 for 8 weeks in aerobic exercise. All subjects were 8 males physical education students on HY Univ, and all data was analyzed by MANOVA of SPSS. The results were summarized as follows:
1. The changes of MDA in recovery time after exercise were significant increased in maximal exercise than in moderate intercity exercise(p<.05).
2. The changes of blood glucose and lactate in recovery time after exercise were significant decrease in moderate intensity exercise than in maximal exercise (p<.05).
3. The changes of Ig M in immediately after exercise were significant increased in maximal exercise than in moderate intensity exercise. But the changes of IL-2 were no difference.
4. The changes of cortisol and IL-2 in immediately after exercise were significant increased in maximal exercise than in moderate intensity exercise.
5. The changes of MDA and lactate in recovery time after maximal exercise were significant decrease in post-treatment than pre-treatment antioxidant
6. The changes of glucose, Ig M, IL-2, cortisol, and NE in recovery time after maximal exercise were no difference between post-treatment and pre-treatment antioxidant
In conclusion, oxidative stress by oxygen free radical in high intensity exercise were in excess increased of MDA, and blood glucose, lactate, Ig M. Ⅱ-2, cortisol, NE. Finality, high intensity exercise-induce potentially harmful effects of exercise. But the effect of supplementation of antioxidant was beneficial to defence cell damage, lipid peroxidation(MDA) or fatigue(lactate) called by high intensive exercise. This results suggested that antioxidant play an important role in defending the cell against free radical-mediated oxidative damage by exercise.
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Effect of Aerobic Exercise and Diet Therapy in Obese Women 스포츠 생리학 : 유산소운동과 식이조절에 의한 체중감량이 중년기 비만 여성에게 미치는 영향
이경자KyungJaLee , 김현경HyunKyungKim
36(1) 256-265, 1997
Effect of Aerobic Exercise and Diet Therapy in Obese Women 스포츠 생리학 : 유산소운동과 식이조절에 의한 체중감량이 중년기 비만 여성에게 미치는 영향
이경자KyungJaLee , 김현경HyunKyungKim
The objective of the present study was to investigate the effect of a weight reduction program with the combination of aerobic exercise and diet therapy in obese middle aged women.
The subjects participated in a 12 week weight reduction program consisting of diet and exercise. At the end of the program, the daily walking steps were significantly increased(4,164 steps, p<0.001),whereas calorie intake was significantly decreased(-194kcal, p<0.001). Body weight(-2.9kg, p<0.001), body mass index(-1.2, p<0.001) and percent of body fat(-3.8, p<0.001) were significantly decreased, However, lean body mass was significantly increased. Serum cholesterol, triglyceride, glucose, insulin, atherogenic index were significantly decreased, however, HDL cholesterol and LDL cholesterol were not changed.
The group in which people had over 3kg weight reduction during 12 weeks showed significant improvement in CHD risk factor such as triglyceride, glucose, insulin, atherogenic index in comparison with the other group in which people experienced less than 3kg weight reduction.
The relationship of daily calorie intake and the amount of walking performed for effective the number of steps walked at the end of program to the amount of reductin in body weight during the program was analyzed by multiple regression analysis, and the amount of walking expressed in the number of steps necessary for weight reduction were calculated for various energy intakes.
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The Effects of Exercise Intensity and Feeding on Excessive Post - Exercise Oxygen Consumption 스포츠 생리학 : 운동강도와 음식섭취가 운동후 초과산소 소비량에 미치는 영향
36(1) 266-275, 1997
The Effects of Exercise Intensity and Feeding on Excessive Post - Exercise Oxygen Consumption 스포츠 생리학 : 운동강도와 음식섭취가 운동후 초과산소 소비량에 미치는 영향
This study compared the magnitude and duration of excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) following 4 different exercises on the treadmill. The exercise methods were 40% of VO2 max for 40 min with glucose intake (Low intensity, Long duration with glucose; LL&G, 40% of VO2 max for 40 min without glucose intake (Low intensity, Long duration without glucose; LL&NG), 85% of VO2 max for 20 min with glucose intake (High intensity, Short duration with glucose; HS&G), and 85% of VO2 max for 20 min without glucose intake (High intensity, Short duration without glucose; HS&NG). Ten male students (20.8 yrs±0.6) from Se Jong University participated voluntarily. The subjects completed anthropometric measurement, ramp maximal aerobic test, and 4 experimental exercise test sessions. The resting oxygen uptake was determined by averaging the values recorded during the last 5 min of 30 min resting VO2 measurement period Following each exercise test, the subjects sat quietly in a chair with variables (VO2, respiratory exchange ratios; RER, minute ventilation; VE, and rectal temperature; RT) measured continuously for 2 hr post-exercise. EPOC was calculated by subtracting the resting VO2 from the recovery VO2 for every 10 min period A two-way ANOVA with repeated measures indicated that nesting VO2, VE, RER, and RT measures were not statistically different between 4 exercise methods. However, the recovery VO2 was significantly elevated until post 120 min, post 40 min, post 120 min, and post 10 min with HS&G, HS&NG, LL&G and LL&NG exercise, respectively. The HS&G exercise (211ml O2/kg/2hr) resulted in significantly higher EPOC and calorie consumed during exercise than other exercises (p<0.05). The calories consumed during exercise were 356 kcal, 342 kcal, 336 kcal, and 320 kcal with HS&G, HS&NG, LL&G and LL&NG exercise, respectively. RER was significantly decreased at post 30 min and 60 min with only high intensity exercises. RT was increased continuosly with 3 exercises until 120 min post-exercise except HS&NG exercises(post 100 min). This results suggest the possibility of using high intensity short duration exercise in weight control programs for higher EPOC and calorie consumed during exercise, and decresed RER during recovery period.
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Effects of Physical Activity on Postural Balance and Reaction Time 스포츠 생리학 : 신체활동이 평형성과 반응시간에 미치는 영향
36(1) 276-287, 1997
Effects of Physical Activity on Postural Balance and Reaction Time 스포츠 생리학 : 신체활동이 평형성과 반응시간에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of physical activity on postural balance and reaction time. Computerized dynamic posturography(EquiTest) was adopted to test sensoty organization and moter control. EquiTest facilitated the quantification of the role of somatosensory, visual and vestibular systems in the maintenance of postural balance and was also pertinent to measure the reaction time to the stimulus to change center of gravity on force platform. Posturographic data were obtained from college men(n=67) and women(n=39)》. They were each divided into two groups of untrained group(19 males & 18 females) and trained group(48 males & 21 females) who have been participating in regular physical activity for 5 years over. From the results of 2-way(sex× physical activity) ANOVA it was found that the effect of physical activity was Effects of both sex and physical activity were significant on the visual ratio in sensory analysis. Also the effect of sex on visual preference was significant. On reaction time of the latency in the automatic postural response measured in moter control test the effect of sex was significant in the condition of medium forward, large forward and large backward translation. The effect of physical activity was significant only on reaction time in the condition of medium backward translation, but the tendency of shorter reaction time was found in trained group than untrained group. It was suggested that the physical activity developed Ae function of visual system and the role of the combination of visual and vestibular systems in maintaining postural balance to surrounding stimulus, and presented shorter reaction time in automatic postural response.
Key Words
postural balance, computerized dynamic posturography, somatosensory, visual, vestibular, reaction time
A Study on the 3-D Cinematographic Biomechanics Analysis of Baseball Batting 운동 역학 : 3D 영상 분석에 의한 배팅동작의 운동학적 연구
36(1) 291-298, 1997
A Study on the 3-D Cinematographic Biomechanics Analysis of Baseball Batting 운동 역학 : 3D 영상 분석에 의한 배팅동작의 운동학적 연구
The baseball batting skill can be defined developing momentum in the body segments and transfering the momentum to the bat and ball. If one can explain developing and transfering mechanism of the momentum among the body segments, we could have some foundation of coaching.
The batting movement of the six baseball players in Yonsei University were filmed using two high speed camera with 300fps. 3-D coordinates of the anatomical landmarks were obtained using DLT method. Three dimensional kinematic and momentum analysis were performed.
Various kinematic variables calculated in this study generally agreed with previous studies(Shapiro, 1979; McIntyre and Pfautsch, 1982; Messier and Owen, 1984).
The angular momentum of the bat formed mainly in the horizontal plane. However the momentum in the sagittal plane were considerable amount.
The angular momentum of the shoulder and hip were developed to their peak values (about 3.0kgm2 /s) and kept the values until impact.
The angular momentum of the arms marked its peak values (10.52kgm2 /s) before impact and decreased until impact. During this decreasing phase of the arms momentum curve, the bat’s angular momentum increased rapidly until impact.
This indicated that the angular momentum transfer occured mainly among aims and bat, which suggested the wrists action are important.
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Utilization of Stored Elastic Energy in Lower Limb 운동 역학 : 하지의 탄성에너지 활용에 관한 연구
김용이YongEeKim , 이성철SungCheolLee , 김승재SeungJaeKim
36(1) 299-306, 1997
Utilization of Stored Elastic Energy in Lower Limb 운동 역학 : 하지의 탄성에너지 활용에 관한 연구
김용이YongEeKim , 이성철SungCheolLee , 김승재SeungJaeKim
The purpose of this study was to understand an elastic energy flows of the lower limb by comparing two types of vertical jumps. For this study 9 rugby players jumped two types of jumping task, countermovement jump(CMJ) and squat jump(SJ) on a force plate. The filming was done by a high speed camera at the right side of subjects with a filming speed of 50 frames/sec. The ground reaction force data of the subjects were collected by a force plate with a sampling frequency of 500 Hz. The mechanical variables calculated in this study were statistically tested by using paired t-test.
The results are as follows;
1. Jumping height, flight time and take-off velocity were showed significantly different between CMJ and SJ.
2. Angular velocities of knee and hip joints during CMJ were significantly larger than those of SJ.
3. The vertical ground reaction force showed no difference between both jumps, however, normalized impulse and power during CMJ were significantly larger than SJ.
4. It was stored and used 56.3 % elastic energy of lower limbs during concentric contraction phase of CMJ by using eccentric contraction phase.
In conclusion, it was shown that the CMJ showed better results than SJ both in kinematic,kinetic variables and in usage of stored elastic energy.
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Kinenematic Analysis of Kovacs Motion on Horizontal Bars 운동 역학 : 철봉에서 KOVACS 동작 수행의 운동학적 분석
36(1) 307-317, 1997
Kinenematic Analysis of Kovacs Motion on Horizontal Bars 운동 역학 : 철봉에서 KOVACS 동작 수행의 운동학적 분석
The purpose of this study is to compare the technical differences from thefactors of kinetic changes in the motion of KOVACS at horizontal bar in order to provide an ideal coaching method for the motion and improvement in players' conpetivity as a fundamental datum.
For the achievement of such a purpose, two out of national level male champions and one university player have been selected as subjects, who were able to perform the KOVACS motion at horizontal bar.
The analysis of the kinetic factor changes extracted from the atrandom selected subjects was resulted in a conclusion as follows.
First, the changes of time favors as shown wer a period of long time in phase H · S to phase H · P; a duration of short time in phase V · P to phase Rel.; a long duration of time in phase Rel. to phase T · B, respectively were desirable.
Second, the factors of velocity changes shown as resultant velocity in phase H · P; a horizontal velocity in phase V · P; another resultant velocity in phase Rel.; a horizontal velocity in phase P · H; and a horizontal and vertical velocity particularly in phase T · B.. All these factors were very essential
Third, the position factor revealing a vertical position in phase H · P; a horizontal vertical position in phase V · P; a horizontal veltical position in phase Rel.; a horizontal vertical position in phase P · H; then a vertical position in phase T · B, respectively as their essectial factors..
Fourth, this time, it was the angular factor which showed as specifically the shoulder hoint and hip joint in phase H · P; the hip joint in phase V · P; the shoulder joint and hip joint in phase Rel.; the neck joint and hip joint in phase P · H; and, then differences of flexion and extention in the shoulder joint, hip joint, and knee joint phase T · B.
To summarize the foregoing status, a retardness of the shoulder joint and the deflexion of the hip joint enabled a motion with composure incurring a long duration in phase H · S to phase H · P; a swing motion was taken by a great circle exercise, laying out the body in phase H · P to phase V · P; the lower legs were lifted up by using the physical reaction to take consumption of a fast time in phase V · P to phase Rel; and, it became a very decisive factor for the motion whether to succeed by taking the bar after fast revoution with a tuck posture in a short revoltionary radius or fail without doing so.
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The Effect of the Counter Rotation Movement on the Landing Distance of Tsukahara in Vaulting 운동 역학 : 도마 Tsukahara 동작의 전환계 운동이 착지 거리에 미치는 영향
신갑호GapHoShin , 박종훈JongHoonPark
36(1) 318-325, 1997
The Effect of the Counter Rotation Movement on the Landing Distance of Tsukahara in Vaulting 운동 역학 : 도마 Tsukahara 동작의 전환계 운동이 착지 거리에 미치는 영향
신갑호GapHoShin , 박종훈JongHoonPark
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between the landing distance and the counter rotation movement of Tsukahara in Vaulting.
4 gymnasts, H. University gymnasts, served as subjects. 2 S-VHS video camera were used for the data collection. And the DLT technique was employed to obtain 3-D position coordinates of 21 body landmarks and a cubic spline function was used for smoothing and differentiation. It also calculates the location of center of mass using Chandler et al.(1975).
After analyzing the data, the following conclusions were drawn;
1. During the board contact, the faster the horizontal velocity showed the longer the landing distance.
2. During the pre-flight phase, the longer the flight time led to the lower the flight height in the post-flight phase. The small movement of short flight time showed the decrease of landing distance.
3. When the horse contact, the quick angular velocity of body and the quick resultant velocity of COG increased the landing distance.
4. During the post-flight phase, the higher the flight height led to the longer the flight time. The longer the landing distance led to the faster the resultant velocity of COG at landing, and this movement produce the unstable landing position.
Key Words
Kinematic Analysis of Forward Free Hip Circle Handstand on Horizontal Bars 운동 역학 : 철봉 앞돌아 물구나무서기동작의 운동학적 분석
36(1) 326-335, 1997
Kinematic Analysis of Forward Free Hip Circle Handstand on Horizontal Bars 운동 역학 : 철봉 앞돌아 물구나무서기동작의 운동학적 분석
Even though it does not weigh so much in the value of difficulty level for the exercise of the Horizontal Bar, the motion of handstand is an indispensable part which should be performed in a most smooth manner. In order to utilize as a fundamental datum for the training for the promotion of game techniques through searching the variation impact of the handstand motion in respect of gymnastics, this study has taken three persons out of the national level champions in very successful prosperity as its subjects. Analysis of the study has resulted in as follows.
1. It is impossible to evaluate the performing ability of a motion by the time required for the overall motion performance. However, it was shown that the impact of time variation for the initial motion in phases 2, 3 and 4 affected both performance and ability according to fast swing and circle exercise of the shoulder joint and hip joint.
2. Position change from the center of gravity in phases 2 and 3 increased the elasticity in vertical raising to appear as wheel traces up to phases 4 and 5 was desirable.
3. The velocity change from the center of gravity quickened the velocity of the horizontal and vertical motions at phase 2, the induction of revolution increased was an important impact, taking the posture of handstand with over stretch of shoulder joint at phase 5 was desirable; however, Subject c failed to make close adherence his body upon the bar due to failure of quickening the vertical velocity during revolution at phase 3.
4. In performing the handstand at phase 2 up to phase 4, the velocity of the shoulder and hip joints represent the degree of the largest angle was taken by Subject A with a stable posture through stretching of the shoulder and hip joints at phase 5. Contrarily, Subject C failed to perform enough to connect the next motion.
To summarize the above, it was possible to learn the important impacts that, in performing the motion of handstand, the velocity of swing and revolution was increased by bending the body at phase 2; it was possible to be connected in a swift manner according to the shoulder and hip angles during phase 3; and the raising of the position energy at vertical rising motion successfully enabled to perform at phase 5.
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A Study on the Differences of P.E. Subject Matter Knowledge and Pedagogical Content Knowledge with Elementary School Teachers Expertise Levels in Physical Education Teaching 스포츠 교육학 : 초등교사의 전문수준에 따른 체육교과내용지식과 수업지식의 차이분석
36(1) 339-355, 1997
A Study on the Differences of P.E. Subject Matter Knowledge and Pedagogical Content Knowledge with Elementary School Teachers Expertise Levels in Physical Education Teaching 스포츠 교육학 : 초등교사의 전문수준에 따른 체육교과내용지식과 수업지식의 차이분석
The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences of P.E subject matter knowledge and pedagogical content knowlege with elementary school teacher's, expertise levels in physical education teaching. After the differences of P,E subject matter knowledge were examined, the four components of pedagogical content knowledge of objectives, knowledge of teaching strategies, knowlege of students understanding, and knowledge of curriculum) were specifically examined Four elementary teachers (two novice teachers, two experienced teachers) were interviewed and observed case study design was employed. Data were collected through various methods such as in-depth interviews, video-taping, and document analyses. Data ware analyzed by using inductive categorical system and the trustworthiness of data was confirmed through member check, peer debriefing, and triangulation.
The major findings of this study were as follows :
The major findings of this study were as follows :
1) Regardless of the differences with teaching expertise levels, the teachers interviewed in this study did not have a deep understanding on P.E subject matter knowledge. Their P.E subject matter knowledge was technical in nature. Regardless of their expertise levels, teachers perceived the content of physical education as skill-end sport-specific.
2) Regardless of the differences with teaching expertise levels, the nature of their pedagogical content knowledge were reflected an applied science view consistenty. Especially, an applied science view seemed to be related the four components of their pedagogical content knowledge egually. Also, the specific ways in which these four components of the pedagogical content knowledge would interect each other.
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The Relationship between Stadium Facilities of Professional Sports and Repatronage of Sport Consumers 스포츠 행정 경영 : 프로스포츠 경기장 시설과 스포츠 소비자의 반복구매와의 관계
36(1) 359-367, 1997
The Relationship between Stadium Facilities of Professional Sports and Repatronage of Sport Consumers 스포츠 행정 경영 : 프로스포츠 경기장 시설과 스포츠 소비자의 반복구매와의 관계
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between stadium facilities of professional sports and repatronage of sport consumers. For this study, 559 spectators of professional soccer and baseball were selected. The multi regression analysis and T-test were used for data analyzing.
The conclusion of this study were as follows;
First, the stadium facilities of professional sports have an affect on the repatronge of professional sport consumers; layout accessibility, space allocation, facility aesthetics, parking space, and scoreboard of professional sport stadiums influence on repatronae of sport consumers.
Second, there was significant difference in the stadium facilities between spectators of professional soccer and baseball; the spectators of professional soccer had a higher recognition than professional baseball ones.
Third, the professional sport stadiums indirectly have an affect on the economy of community.
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The Type of Hospital Services that Health - Care Clients Select for Prescription 스포츠 행정 경영 : 운동처방 소비자의 병원선택 유형
윤우상YooSangYoun , 박노현NoHyunPark , 김학신HakShinKim
36(1) 368-378, 1997
The Type of Hospital Services that Health - Care Clients Select for Prescription 스포츠 행정 경영 : 운동처방 소비자의 병원선택 유형
윤우상YooSangYoun , 박노현NoHyunPark , 김학신HakShinKim
This research paper intends to find the relationship between the reason why patients choose Prescription and health maintenance and prevention census statistics. 122 Patients (58 Male, 64 Female) took the Prescription at S hospital and answered the pertinent questionnaire. This leads to the conclusion below.
1) Participation level
Firstly, primary participation means that people participating in health maintenance directly are just like people who exercise regularly. Secondly, males choose greater variety of health maintenance activities than females, and older people have much more interest and participation in health maintenance. People who have high education usually know exactly how to do health maintenance and keep doing it. Among different professions, people in sports businesses have more interest in health maintenance.
2) Type of information
Firstly, open-information relies on mass media outlets such as TV, radio, newspapers and magazines.
Secondly, women are influced by the recommendation of relatives and neighbors. Old people prefer exact information and experts opinions. In addition, highly educated people refer to recommendation and prefer open information. When it comes to different professions, sports industry workers prefer experts opinions’ and housewives prefer recommendation of relatives, friends and neighbors. However, the administrators prefer to rely on public opinions.
3) Service condition
Firstly, the cleanliness of facilities is the most important factor in determining convenience and desirability. The cleanliness of both the inside and outside environment of the hospital and rest rooms is very important. Secondly, men prefer a clean, modern environment and facilities, but women care less about appearances and are more willing to simply trust the reputation of the hospital. When old people choose a hospital, cleanliness of facilities and environment is most important, but young people prefer the name of the hospital and fitness of their circumstance is more important. Lowly educated people complain about service and cost, but highly educated people prefer people reputation about the hospital. Among different professions, sports business workers are more sensitive to service, and housewives prefer convenience. High educated professionals usually make a decision concerning s suitability based on the reputation of the hospital. Finally, cleanliness influences all customers’ satisfaction. As well convenience, the image of the hospital, fitness and reliability are important as a reason for selecting the hospital.
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The Effects of Corporates Having Sports Teams on Their Image 스포츠 행정 경영 : 스포츠팀 운영이 기업 이미지에 미치는 영향
36(1) 379-389, 1997
The Effects of Corporates Having Sports Teams on Their Image 스포츠 행정 경영 : 스포츠팀 운영이 기업 이미지에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to identify how effective it was to have sports team and which factors were more important among characteristics of sports on corporates' image. It was defined as independent variable to have sports team, and corporates' image as dependent variable. To find out the relationship between characteristics of sports and corporate’s image, characteristics of sports was set as independent variable and corporates' image as dependent variable. Six hundred forty people were randomly selected from general population and advertising department of companies which were the top 250 in the list of sales amount in 1993. Survey sorms were distributed to all the subjects and they evaluated themselves. Anaysis of variance and multiple regression were used for data analyses and the results were as follows;
Problem 1 ; The relationship between having sports team and corporates’ image.
The results showed that it was effective on corporates' image to have sports team. Corporates having sports teams acknowledged the effect of having sports team on corporates image more than corporates without sports team and general population.
Problem 2 ; The relationship between characteristics of sports and corporates, image.
The characteristics relating to corporates' image were the activities of players, team advertising, and team popularity. Therefore, these three factors should be considered to ehnhance corporates' image.
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A Model of Service Quality in Health/Fitness Clubs 스포츠 행정 경영
36(1) 390-399, 1997
A Model of Service Quality in Health/Fitness Clubs 스포츠 행정 경영
The paper presents a model of quality applicable to health/fitness services. More specifically, the model emphasizes that service quality is a function of the interaction among the organization, the service employee, and the client. Organizational climate defined by organizational commitment to quality (CQ), participative decision making (PDM), creation and projection of corporate image (CI), and human resource management practices (HRM) is said to enhance the role perception, role acceptance, and service commitment of employees, and increases client attraction to the organization. The interaction of the service provider and the client and their respective personal characteristics in the service encounter results in the production of a service and the perceptions of the quality of that service. The model differentiates between consumer and human services, and suggests that different dimensions will be associated with quality in each type of service. Perceptions of service quality lead to satisfaction with the encounter for both the client and the employee. Such satisfaction, in turn, influences employee's motivation toward better service in subsequent encounters and client's interaction to continue to engage in such encounters. This cycle of events is said to farther the quality of services in health/fitness clubs.
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A Study on the Job Satisfaction of Athletes Coaches 스포츠 행정 경영 : 코치의 직무만족에 관한 연구
36(1) 400-409, 1997
A Study on the Job Satisfaction of Athletes Coaches 스포츠 행정 경영 : 코치의 직무만족에 관한 연구
This, was performed by analyzing the state of coaches’ job-satisfaction to promote the job-achievement of coaches who are teaching the elite sports players in the actual fields.
The conclusion of the study was as follows:
1. Job-satisfaction of coaches is shown to be high in pride and worth of their teaching, whereas the degree of job-satisfaction for reward, payments and teaching conditions is low.
2. According to the teaching items, career record and monthly payments, there is significant difference in job-satisfaction.
1) Coaches in high school have high degree of job-satisfaction relatively.
2) Coaches who are teaching ball sports have high degree of job-satisfaction relatively.
3) Coaches who has been teaching from five to nine years have high degree of job-satisfaction relatively.
4) Coaches with much monthly incomes have high degree of job-satisfaction relatively.
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A Study on the Walking Pattern of Cerebral Palsy Patients 특수체육 : 뇌성마비인의 보행 패턴에 관한 연구
홍양자YangJaHong , 이경옥KyungOkYi
36(1) 413-426, 1997
A Study on the Walking Pattern of Cerebral Palsy Patients 특수체육 : 뇌성마비인의 보행 패턴에 관한 연구
홍양자YangJaHong , 이경옥KyungOkYi
This study attemtps to analyse the walking pattern of cerebrel palsy patients, which is useful for enhancing both the safety in daily lives and sports adaptability of the patients. For the purpose, a number of diagnoses and tests were conducted that involve: (1) physical function and body tests.
Through the force platform analyses, we selected such variables as Contact time, verticai impact force peak, a-p impact force peak, medio-lateral impact force peak, Time of impact peak, maximal vertical loading rate, Vertical active force peak, Time of maximal vertical impact slop, Integral. Through the pedar system analyses, we selected such variables as center of pressure and pressure distribution for both feet.
summary of Result and Discussion are as following
1. force platform
1) There is an asymmetry between the vertical reaction force of left foot and that of right foot.
2) The two peaks like camel's back do not appear.
3) There appear passive peaks in all three directions including fore-back, left-right, and top-down.
4) In fore-back direction, there is insufficient amount of propelling force.
To summarize we suggest several ways - (1) wearing shoes with a good cushion, (2) using such floors as wood panel, dust, lawn, (3) strengthening muscle power, (3) wearing protection gears.
2. The Distribution of Pressure
1) There are an asymmetry between left and right foot.
2) The trace of center of gravity does not connect toe and heel.
There is a great difference in pressure distribution over the various insole parts. Therefore, the big difference between maximum pressure and minimum pressure.
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Development of Skinfold Norms for Male Korean Middle School Students Ages 18-15 Residing in Seoul 체육측정평가
Kim Yun-bae , Jung Youn-soo
36(1) 429-440, 1997
Development of Skinfold Norms for Male Korean Middle School Students Ages 18-15 Residing in Seoul 체육측정평가
Kim Yun-bae , Jung Youn-soo
The purposes of this study were to (1) establish percentile skinfold body fat norms for Korean middle school male students 13, 14 and 15 years of age, who reside in the North region of Seoul, Korea, (2) Compare the resultant norms to those established for similar age groups of a nation-wide sample and an Iowa sample of American male students.
(3) compute for the Korean subject percent body fat norms based on Body Mass Index measures.
The following conclusions are supported by the finding of this study:
1. Percentile skinfold body fat norms for Korean middle school male students 13, 14 and 15 years of age, who reside in the North region of Seoul, Korea have been presented.
2. According to Lohman`s (1975) classification system, the mean values of each of the three age groups (18, 17 and 16%) fall into the slightly overfat range.
3. The Korean skinfold sums tend to be approximately 10 mm larger than the corresponding HRFT normvalues for the sum of the triceps plus subscapular skinfolds of percentile score.
4. The Korean skinfold sums tend to be approximately 1-4 mm bigger than those reported in the Iowa Youth Fitness Test Study, which were derived from summing the triceps and medial calf skinfolds.
5. The IYFT`s which BMI values tended to be higher than those for corresponding Korean values.
This writer recommends that a variety of skinfold norms, as well as regression equations for predicting body density and percent body fat for Korean youth be developed. Few studies have used regression equations for establishing body fat norms for Korean youth. Because of public health concerns and other implications, such research should continue for all age and gender groups.
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Relationships between Experience of Leisure as Flow and Loneliness among Elderly 사회체육 & 여가 레크레이션 : 노인의 몰입형 여가경험과 고독감의 관계
36(1) 443-453, 1997
Relationships between Experience of Leisure as Flow and Loneliness among Elderly 사회체육 & 여가 레크레이션 : 노인의 몰입형 여가경험과 고독감의 관계
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between experience of leisure as flow and loneliness among elderly.
Data collected through a questionnaire designed for this study consist of fixed-alternative choice response to items constructed to represent the operational definition for each variable. The inventory was administered to residents of seoul and Pusan cities over 65 years of age which were 450male and 550 female for a total of 1000 elderies.
Of these 1000 subjects, 944 respondents finished questioinnaires and 886 of those were used as data analysis.
Statistics employed for data analyses was multiple regression.
Based upon the results of the study, the following conclusions appear warrented:
1. Unification of thinking and behavior has a significant effect on the feelings of loss of social role among elderly.
2. Entirely devotion to the leisure activities and unification of thinking and behavior have significant effects cm the perception of feelings of alienaion among elderly.
3. Entirely devotion to the leisure activities has a significant effects on the perception to severance of social relation among elderly.
4. Lack of perception to concepts of time and space has a significant effects on the affactive experience of furstration among elderly.
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Investingation of the beauty character about Korean Classical Dance and Military arts 무용 : 전통무용과 무예의 미적 특성에 관한 고찰 - 악학궤범(樂學軌範)과 무예도보통지(武藝圖譜通志)를 중심으로 -
36(1) 457-468, 1997
Investingation of the beauty character about Korean Classical Dance and Military arts 무용 : 전통무용과 무예의 미적 특성에 관한 고찰 - 악학궤범(樂學軌範)과 무예도보통지(武藝圖譜通志)를 중심으로 -
The purpose of this thesis is to anylize the meaning and the characteristics of the koean Motion. What we call korean Motion is not the general way of movement of other mankind but the way of athletic and emotional movement which had determined by own Koreans' local, envioronmemtal, and hereditiry condition.
This research adapted the two typical korean traditional movement, Dance and Military Arts, to seek for the real sense and the peculiar quality of korean motion.
The aim of traditional Dance is to express the aesthetic consciousness and mind, meanwhile the traditional Military Arts, to seek for the realsense and the peculiar quality of Korean motion.
The aim of traditional Dance is to expresess the aesthetic consciousness and mind, meanwhile the traditional Military Arts embody the different goal, that is the training one`s body and mind.
Thus, the aim of Military Arts is somewhat different from the Dances`, but these are still worthwhile to examine as an aesthetic object, in so far as the athletic movement include also some aesthetic expression.
As the specimen of this study, the court dance of Lee-dynasty and the Military Arts of Chosun 24 Arts for which was made traning the soldiers during Lee- dynasty was selected from among each Korean traditional dances and mility arts.
To research the aesthetic characteristics for the two Korean movements, The classicoflee-dynasty, < AK-HAK-GUE-BOEM > and < MU-YE-DO-TDNG-GH > was referred to the theorctic foundation. This process revealed something in common on both side and it is as follows.
Firstly, Both the traditional Dance and Military Arts are originated from the oriental philosophy and these are all done with a view to relizaing the oriental philosophy.
Secondly, The, Korean motion never fail to flow with natural way and it always accommodate natural characteristics.
And the thirdly, The traditional Dance and Military Arts can bring the vitality
To the men`s body and mind
The attitude toward the life - esteem is the ultimate destination of Korean motion
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A Study on the Bone Building, Ossification, Bone Injury and Joint Ligament in College Female Ballerinas 무용 : Ballerina의 발골형태, 골화변화, 골조직병변 및 관절인대에 관한 조사분석
김정자JeongJaKim , 안우홍WooHongAnn
36(1) 469-476, 1997
A Study on the Bone Building, Ossification, Bone Injury and Joint Ligament in College Female Ballerinas 무용 : Ballerina의 발골형태, 골화변화, 골조직병변 및 관절인대에 관한 조사분석
김정자JeongJaKim , 안우홍WooHongAnn
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of long-tern ballet dance cm the foot bone. The 28 ballet dancers and 30 non-ballet dancers with same age were involved in this study. The present physical pains were determined by using the questionnaire and the X-ray pictures were also taken on the knee joint and foot. To demine the chronic effect of ballet dance on the growth of foot bone, the length and width metatarsal bone, proximal phalange, and distal phalange were measured and then compared to those of non-ballet dancers. Over 70% of ballet dancers had at least more than one place physical pain. Specially, the most ballet dancer contained of foot pain. The 5 ballet dancers suffered from the cartilage injury. From the results of X-ray examination, the 5 knee joint, 16 foot ankle, and 5 foot injuries were found in the past. The foot-bone length of ballet dancer was evdently short in the comparison of non ballerina. The results of this study suggest that long-term practice of ballet dance could cause the injuries and the depression of normal growth in the foot and knee joint. Therefore, we recommend that the great caution in food-bone injury and growth may be necessary for the long-term ballet practice.
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A Study on The Sleeping Beauty 무용 : 잠자는 숲속의 미녀에 관한 연구
36(1) 477-490, 1997
A Study on The Sleeping Beauty 무용 : 잠자는 숲속의 미녀에 관한 연구
“The Sleeping Beauty”, Tchailkovsky’ s masterpiece in his late days has been performing for one hundred years with The Nutcracker, Swan Lake, his three great works. “The Sleeping Beauty” that mixed traditional pantomime, expressive d’ action, the completion of design, establshment erf Ballet pose, divertissement is a majestic and polished work.
Tchaikovsky’s way of creation originated his reserved character. He said of the intrinsic meaning of his secret inspiration “passion”. After I made my works with passion, then I made then had a formality by judging, amending and minimizing critically. On occasion, I must oppress cruelly to myself. So, the sheet music composed with love and ecstasy must be minimized I don't sign in want of inspiration. But it is common for me to feel the lack of ultimate ruling power for the formalities. I don't write a work having the form matched matter gradually until I have a hade time of it. His music, “The Sleeping Beauty” that reflected his individulity is soft, sorrowful, dreaming, and lyric. He understood the essence of Western Europe music and utilize it audaciously so that be contributed the development of music in his country. His Russian feeling and South European expression his passionate, primitive, simple aspect.
The following is coherent five beliefs expressed in Marius Petipa' s Ballet.
(1) The real worth of Ballet is found when it becomes genuine Grand Ballet the has 4~5 act scale so that it can make the spectacle and the artistic quality maximum.
(2) The beauty of Ballet can be realized perfectly When the beauty of the high-toned formative of the French way is linked together by allegro of Italian way.
(3) It can achieve rather Various fertile and Balletic Variation than the precedential Folk dance realize idealistic Ballet Nice through inflow into Ballet.
(4) There is the firm belief concerned pattern. When artificial trick is repeated three times, on fourth time it is changed another trick, the mystery of repetition and divertissementic visual effect can be reached to extreme.
(5) Pas de deux can’t be found in two dancers' artificial harmony and competion. Rather when it is percolated perfectly in a comprehensive dramatic plot, the artistic value as well as dancing emotion can be sublimated in the high artistic beauty.
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Analysis on the Movement Structures and Qualities of Salpuri - Dance based on Labanalysiss 무용 : 살풀이 춤움직임의 특성 분석
36(1) 491-500, 1997
Analysis on the Movement Structures and Qualities of Salpuri - Dance based on Labanalysiss 무용 : 살풀이 춤움직임의 특성 분석
The purpose this study was to analyze the movement structures and qualities of Salpuri-Dance based on Labanalysis so that the results provide basic information for globalizing Korean dance.
For this purpose, the study analyzed Salpuri-dance movement by Choreometrics which was developed by anthropologist, Alan Lomax and movement analyst, Irmgard Bartenieff. The Choreometrics permits a measured description of dancing or movement by means of agreed-on qualitative rating scales.
The movements were analyzed by 7 graduate students of E womans university with two parts: Use of body and Energy Transition, Main Action.
After analyzing dance-movements in Salpuri-dance, the study found structural and qualitative characteristics of Salpuri-dance movement as follows:
1) The characteristics of movement structures were body axis held, vertical held, vertical-diagonal stress and upper-lower; twist.
2) The characteristics of movement quality were slow, heavy, free and irregular cyclic movements of passion-drive which uses dominant central impulse for expressing Korean's emotions and feelings; sorrow and nothingness.
These movement characteristics have not only the value of being importnat elements for creating new and globalized Korean dance but also have the value of being the result of the objective analysis which provides an importment bases for creating Korean dance.
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The Comparative Study of Youngsanjakbeop Seoul Kyeonggi and Honam Region 무용 : 서울 경기지방과 호남지방의 영산작법중 나비춤에 관한 비교 연구
36(1) 501-513, 1997
The Comparative Study of Youngsanjakbeop Seoul Kyeonggi and Honam Region 무용 : 서울 경기지방과 호남지방의 영산작법중 나비춤에 관한 비교 연구
Jingapkukaa from Kumma, Iksan of shilla learned Younganjakbeop in Dang (an old name of China) and founded Okchonsa which is the predecessor erf Ssanggyesa. There he taught Bepmpae and Jakbeop, which has been being handed down as Yonganjakbeop of Seoul, Kyeonggi and Honam region. It has been transmitted by informing by word of mouth and actual performance. Today, however, as Buddhist civillization is falling off, the trace of Buddhist rite dance is hard to be found. Even if there are, the certainty is doubtful. At present, although some information about Youngsanjae is hard to be found.
As a result, the present dancing way of Youngsanjakbeop has been handed down in Seoul, Kyeonggi and Honam region. Youngsanjakbeop oi Seoul and Kyeonggi region is designated as the intangible cultural asset No. 50 Youngsanjae, while that of Honam region which is found in 1985 is applied to be designated as an intangible cultural asset too on the ground the pride as our national traditional source but rejected.
According to the result comparative study of Betterfly dancing in Yoangsanjakbeop of Seoul, Kyeonggi and Honam region ;
First, it doesn’t seem to be maintained just alike as each of the transmitters has different because it has been transmitted by word of mouth and actual performance.
Second, die regional characters, indebted to the excellency of the unique and rich in local cultural added to the local cultural peculiarity.
Third, the dancing in Seoul, Kyeonggi region is centered to Hyanghwake while the dancing is Honam is centered to Woonsimkye.
Fourth, there is a general difference in rhythm and Bumpae.
Fifty, Panboksoo of Moobok is different and shape of affixing signature is the same while the differences of the picture and cloth, the kinds of Modkoo exist.
It is true that Youngsanjakbeop of Seoul and Kyeonggi differs that of Honam from its origin. But Youngsanjae of Seoul, Kyeonggi region first specified as a cultural asset has been transformed according to the peculiarity through its transmitting and it still has many differences.
In opposition to the opinion that the way and the peculiarity of each region and the origin of Youngsanjae. Therefore, Today's trasmitting dancing motion of Butterfly dancing in Youngsanjakbeop cannot be regared the same. Judging from Moobok and Mookoo has a strict distention, the dancing motion is not same.
Hence, Cheonbook Bongseosa Youngsanjakbeop should be rejuded 50 that the artistic peculiarity can be accepted by its transmittin system and the unique superiority of folk cultural surrounding.